I think this may be a cosmetic bug. It appears to me that DoTs and HoTs are losing their buff/debuff box if reapplied before the previous application's box is gone, but the effect keeps working. It then comes back the next time you use the ability. You should try getting at low health and stacking Ironheart three times.
Well... That wasn't as helpful as I'd been hoping. lol Bah! I guess I'll just have to test it myself to see if my theory is even theoretically possible...
Thanks for posting the guide, but... Meh. I checked it to see if I was missing a quest, because I had to grind out the end of my level, and now it looks like I'm going to have to do it again to get the next level, and grind for three times as long. Apparently, either Water Contamination or A Time to Strike is bugged for…
Thanks for the info again. As far as it not working... I base what I said off of the fact that blademasters get the highest conversion of DEX into dodge rating, as well as the fact that if you can get your dodge rating high enough (not % from gear though, I don't think), I'm pretty sure that you can get unhittable-ness.…
Yes, thank you very much for the info. Spel, I found that the wiki at least had info on the requirements... It's pretty lame otherwise, though. And in case you're curious, the reason I want to know about the requirements and granted stats of armor is because I'm pretty sure…
Thanks - but I'm still curious! (Must devour all info!) What do fist weapons, robes, and light armor require to wear? And do robes and light armor and heavy armor grant different kinds stat bonuses, or are they relatively similar? (As in, would robes give you +10 MAG +5 VIT +5 DEX, light armor +5 to all, and heavy armor +7…
On that note, what ARE the requirements for weapons and armor at various different levels?
Unhittable to mobs, I mean. It'd be stupid if somebody couldn't be hit by other player-characters. What's the reason for raising your stats to be able to use light or heavy armor instead of robes? Do they give better physical damage bonuses, or is it just for the higher physical damage reduction? So like, would it be…
No, I meant... Do you need to drop points into vit in order to level or to be able to deal with mob AoEs or aggro, or would, say, a BM be okay having gone +495 total strength at level 100?
Thank you for the info. I assume that clerics and mages sometimes tank with mag/vit against caster-type mobs, but barbarians tank most of the time with str/vit because most mobs deal physical damage and they have higher health anyway? And just in case somebody doesn't answer in a different thread, what's the conversion of…
Okay, thank you very much for the info. That clarified a lot of things for me. Another thing I've been wondering, though - How are weapon and armor proficiencies determined? 'Cause if people get the vitality as BM just for the heavy armor, I have to wonder why they don't just go with complete strength instead. Sure, you'd…
Could somebody please answer? I'm just having a hard time figuring out what the game even *is.*
Are venos faster or slower? And man, am I confused about this game... But it looks really interesting. I guess there are just a whole ton of people here who've played the Malaysian version already.