zafra2010#4866 Arc User


  • I bet come 2024 we'd still be waiting for the answers. We're okay with the "initial feedback" (I know I am) if it takes forever for them to answer "the rest of the questions." It's been 3 months. But as always thank you for providing an insight for the upcoming update. Hopefully it's mid/late November or December.
  • I disagree to the first post, Hokker. You're the only reliable source we have on this page. It's never pointless. You've done more than the so-called team/devs we have, what you do is essential to us (speaking for every PWI player that appreciate what you do!). Please, keep us updated.
  • More skill updates?! Yes, please! I'm so excited for the other flourishing servers!
  • Hi, Heero. Idk if this is gonna catch ur attention, but the link that's supposed to take you to page where you submit a faction logo (i.e. sends you to instead. I was able to check that a few days ago and it worked perfectly, but now…
  • You're right, and that's the 14th Anniversary event Starts: September 1, 2021 Event Ends: Maintenance,on the wall art by "converging dragon energy". But I believe they're talking about the 15th Anniversary event (which is also a Dragon Rising Event)…
  • You're right, and that's the 14th Anniversary event,on%20the%20wall%20art%20by%20%22converging%20dragon%20energy%22. But I believe they're talking about the 15th Anniversary event…
  • No one on this site could give you a definite answer; and I doubt the so-called 'game support' could either or a forum mod. Most of the playerbase, even the over-a-hundred veterans (who've played this game for over 10 years), don't give an eff and just eat it all up instead of actively catalysing for change. No one's being…
  • are the servers still down?