yuiri Arc User


  • i dont know if it will help or not,i mean i can submit a ticket about that but it will just be for nothing like the last few times,maybe i just got several extreme cash shoppers on my screens and thats the reason why they're from being banned,my friend did the thing with the hairs too,she got banned for 1 or 2 days,cant…
  • naming and shaming huh? the thing with the ticket is that nothing happens and i dont see any reason why they shouldnt get the same gm reaction for it,thats why im posting it up in the forum,i sent several screens per ticket and nothing happened,this way is just fine for meb:cute
  • Here we go again with the bugs after i thought they were gone,it happened after my friend and me kill the Siren Assassin in Sea of Isolation. http://img29.imageshack.us/i/bugsl.jpg/
  • about the invisible wing bug,its not only me who can see that,some of my friends mentioned that too while flying close to each other that i had no wings at all,like roseary mentioned,was not only me,it has to have another reason.
  • hm ok,ty for the fast answer and sorry about the stuff i seem to have posted wrong here,i can try to send screens once these bugs occur again,right now seems to be fine,but i guess it'll be kinda hard to screen the "mobs appearing out of nowhere",i'll provide screens once i see it happen again,i really appreciate the reply…