yorumi Arc User


  • Trust me I hate the anniversary packs. First off "they play for fun" oh and the rest of us don't? If they don't want it handed to them then what do you call it when they don't want to put in the effort to get it? However, this is exactly what I was talking about, they can get it, they've just chosen not to work for it, and…
  • I find this is because casual players want everything handed to them on a silver platter and are unwilling to work for anything. I've known lots of players who play less than 15 hours a week and still manage to get some great gear in these games. I just get sick of the "i don't play much so give me everything" attitude.…
  • I'm a person who's very hesitant to use the term greedy, it's thrown around way way too often to the point that almost any profit is called greed. The only thing that annoys me about the packs is they know the players HATE these things. I was there in ESO when they did something similar and there was almost a revolution…
  • I don't see where 140 mil is all that bad. Given the rate I can farm coins at level 40 if I put my mind to it I could have one of these in 3 months or less. I've spent more than 3 months getting a single drop in other games, and these pets at least in the current game are final, the last pets you'll ever need. Not to…