yohwiz Arc User


  • I have a question. And it's not by any means a mocking one. If wizard class is bashed so much, and even wizards don't really like their class that much (not everyone does, but many comments on wizards' faults/weaknesses), what keeps you high-levels play your wiz? As you guys state wizard's bad points out, there's hardly a…
  • Won't you guys continue this please? But what am I supposed to do now? It's not like I'm not enjoying my wiz, I'm just really discouraged whenever I read the forums. Should I just reroll some other class to farm (I've seen some suggesting a veno) and wait till there are more changes or till I'm loaded to fully equip my…
  • Not really. I started PWI for the first time 3 months ago and rolled a wiz because I like the idea of a wizard and it's simply so. Wizard's remained my main (lvl75) until now and I've tried other classes too. I quit though because they are so boring to me. Mostly coz I haven't been patient with them only tried a bit... I…