yoafro Arc User


  • Now, THAT, is what I call flaming. ;) On-topic: It could be better, but it could have been left completely as it was in MY-EN. That said, my vote would be a revision of some of the names. ADC should be kept, in my opinion, but there are definitely some names that should have a looking-over.
  • IIRC, they should be around Walled Stronghold. Good luck :)
  • Can this be found on the PW wiki? If not, I'm gonna bookmark this, and suggest it be stickied for all the newbs, like myself, who don't know the sweet spots yet. :cool: Thanks a lot.
  • Ryuuzaki, you are a god amongst men. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one having this issue. The last thing I needed after a funeral and a cubic ****-load of hours on the road was to come home, d/l this game, attempt to extract, and... fail... with no recourse but to re-d/l the entire thing, only to find that they all fail.…