yan00 Arc User



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  • guys seekers will rule the world. my weapon is nv+10. and my armours +5 all around. TODAY.... i fought Gi_Joe. r9+10, +10 ornaments and like +7 armours. it was 2-0. 1 vs 1. http://imageshack.us/f/842/20110822135141.png/ http://imageshack.us/f/196/20110822140302.png/
  • i beat u even wiv ur pk pots, and then wivout? and i was self buffed. 4-2 what u on????????????????? this girl- i mean 'guy' raged so hard after bein beat wivout pk pots. dont rage at me again about how my occult ice freezes u so often o.o http://imageshack.us/f/233/20110816225220.png/…
  • make a character in lost city then u will see some ;)
  • my weapon still the same. dw about gettin urs to work. i will get someone else to record it. pm me when u log on then and we will start XD
  • whats ur gear like? the r8 seeker must have a 0 refined weapon and doin normal auto hits to u
  • video please or pictures of this gank o.o. put more pictures like i did to make this colourful. and believable o.o
  • would u still put up the video if u get rolled really fast?
  • lol i never always had nirvanna gear. i only had 2 pieces i think when i fought perses the first time. u got r8 now? lets go! u just got over 10 days left before i leave game :P
  • As Calvin says, go and record video! i wanna see that 5xx damage per hit lol. if that was the case. even if u r 2aps Unsparked. u do 1k per second to me. meanin i die in 10 seconds with charm + my hp :). tho as i recall, i let u stun my for like a minute o.o.. i challenge ur *** to another 1 on 1. if no accept then forever…
  • 30 + def level is actually really weak. bm buff is 60%. sins **** through heavy armour enough already. the reason why sins seem more overpowered in attack is because that class is specifically designed for attack. the GENERAL population also invests in WEAPON first before ARMOUR. so everyone has weak armour, sin gets first…
  • if u came to my server, u see i beat everyone on my gear level :P. sins nv +10 etc etc. not tryin to be big headed, but i am standin up for my class!!!!
  • yay yay yay i got voted somewhere! i am honoured XD.
  • just wanted to revive this a bit since _Perses_ decided to give me another fight and failed gank, now she has nirvanna + 10 or wotever claws. 200 damage a hit ....max. bm's like _Perses_ think they are so good and look down upon others deserved to get rolled over again and again. until they roll into a new character, maybe…
  • http://imageshack.us/f/687/20110727153505.png/ that was his response lol. he wasn't a nooby sin either, 5.0. some +6 armour and g9 gems i think the kill tactic there was just paralyse, after he waste his teleport/teleport stun. vortex from a distance.
  • that was a mini dissertation!!! we should video record some pvp, lots of people talk wiv their imagination as if things will work in their favour! *if he does THIS, then i will do THIS and POW POW* o.o..
  • i think seekers r 'ok' throughout, they will get better at level 100. against other classes like sins, i used to think damn...... sins will still be the strongest. they can auto attack u and kill u within the first stun. but at level 100, u get ur sage skills, get more defence in ur armour so u can take more hits. i was…
  • a guild doesn't make u a better player. for ur information that sin only won cos "he has been +10 longer than i been playing", if he can't beat me still then there's a problem LOL
  • like any of us had a charm? u came and pk'ed me from 3 spark out of the blue which took out most of my health, i dont consider that a skill. look at ur 9k hp for a sin, +10 gears, of course i can't pass that at MY gear level? y dont u try out a seeker UR gear level like Dangler? 2 of my armour pieces r +4, the rest r +3. a…
  • lol i wasn't insulting u, did u take it as an insult? gosh u r easily offended aint u? i also see u have 1.6k posts. wot the hell do u talk about? do u troll on everyone else's topic too? u r the 2nd person to wrote on this topic post, me being the first. all u said was complete troll, as the 3rd person in this topic also…
  • that looks amazing................... can i get that effect wiv g8 too? or definetly need g11 only?
  • i am childish? u r the one callin people noobs. trolling on forums, i think u should be trolling on a different topic, not this one. u just wanted to let ur 'no one cares' childish opinions lol. o and i have 100 skill. ;). i have now granted ur wish, u can now see it wivout searching all over the web
  • o look this noob has level 100 skill? y dont u have it? hmm? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/89/20110527194929.png/
  • what if i dont want to?
  • lol shut up troll, this thread is about doing GV, and it is known as GV. and who cares if it's called anything else? u've called me noob and idiot. somehow i believe that if i saw u outside safezone u would be the one wiv ur face on the floor o.o..... if u dont wanna 1 vs 1, u should keep quiet since i was makin this…
  • either one, my case is saying that Heartseeker is usless against psychics. however u want to interpret the skill, it is useless against it as which was the whole point of the thread in the first place.
  • dont give urself excuses lol. y r u 'trying' to pk on PVE server anyways? LOL. i am not in tw faction either. 5.0 bm = nothin these days like u make it look like u r so special o.o
  • yes it's me.
  • this guy just showed a list of random quotes. who said anyone is op here anyways? escorian. it's called Godless Valley. not pw cny, or my term. escorian. lets see ur gears. all npc i heard o.o.... pro. i just realised u have 500 kills under ur pvp belt since 2009? LOL. i have 2000 already o.o. dont even dare all anyone a…
  • have u read the whole topic? i was refering to damage here. maybe u should read more. and err what good is PARALYSE gonna do to help u against a Psychic? does it look like they need range or to stand in ur face to blast u? More dumb states please lol
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