xxralxx Arc User


  • Mine says another day :p i say we all just wait, untill they tell us its open...stop checking the timer, it will only make you guys upset lol, and if its late...go to sleep, you will need the rest to play PW :)
  • You know how many weeks it took me to get to level 20......LEVEL 20! That means I only enjoyed flying for 3 mins because I quit after that lol, i even got into a guild, got into a guild war, i was the only level 20 person on there, going agains one level 80 person, 4 level 40 people told me to TANK.....omgwtfbbq? anyway,…
  • Lets not fight folks...lets all "Go to a place where you will be free!" dam its in there forever now!
  • lol :p A place where youl be freeeeee. Lets do a duet :p
  • Eh, techno pop isnt my flavor of music, they should have just got some girl to sing it too. I dislike it. Wonder if we have to go through it in this version? HA, now that im talking about it its in my head..."Step into a DIFFRENT WOOOOOORRRRLLLLD, A PLACE WHERE YOUL BE FREEEEEE!" :p (no offence to the folks that hapen to…
  • Wow, not even going to tell me whats wrong with it?! *slaps carebear sticker on forehead*
  • You know what I think the problem is with pking, you have to get back to where you teleported from. The only problem with ME getting killed, is walking all the way back, through lag, and other potential PKers in my way, its just annoying. I say to make everyone else happy, is not to make the killed player inconvinenced.…
  • Shiney wepons make my eyes bleed :p
  • ^Its like some battlestory or somthing....invigorating. Charicters on both servers. I probably will need to start on the PVP server first, so I can get to a higher level faster. Plus, the community seems like a PVP community, and I would like to be a part of that. *Polishes sword* >.>
  • Are you doing builds for all of the wepon classes? if so i would apreciate double hammer =)
  • "Im lagging!" is what i EXPECT to say. What i WANT to say is "w00t! I r in g@m3!" @lazor: I hate that quest too ^^
  • I say they should make gender changes for the animal classes too, but i dont think that will happen untill the developer (not the guy who owns this verison of the game), makes that possible. so all we can do is hope for it i guess, but that is a cool idea.