PS: Did I say you fail at your job? Just being sure you got it b:chuckle
I'll say it plain and straight. To those made this update, you suck, gtfo, ragequit, fail at your job, enough said. b:angry
At this point, it doesn't mean much anymore, Evolution probably only has 1-2 weeks left in its gas tank before it will be wiped off the map. With how the map is looking right now, I don't expect to see Evolution coming back onto the map anytime soon. Although I want to see Evolution off the map, I hope their last TW's with…
Just fyi, this is xHonestyx. I have a few statements about Evolution. As Yunahh mentioned the 4 main officers who were the problem, indeed they were. Horrible TW strategy, gave such low pay despite the amount of land we had for that week, refused to fix simple "drama" problems, and refused to just tell us what was going…