I think you're doing a great job so far. There is one thing I'd like to see you do >:) ( I'm not a pk'er). Would be nice if you could pop in randomly outside of west & 1 shot a few of the people there. Maybe even let them think there going to win lol.
Yea it hasn't been updated but most of the info on there was still useful. I went on there mostly to compare build.
Shaking your fist at the game & mumbling cus words usually works too
most if not all of what you want wont happen, js
@heero200 I stand corrected, my apologizes :smiley:
I only had 410 tokens, I never seen those people on Etherblade either but they might play at different times
A code that gives an item that is known not to work...hmm...
I have over 400 tickets & I only ever got the codes from the forums, some people need to stop whining
An update to this will most likely happen after........
Nov 2016? You been gone 3 months, not much changed.
I can't believe that with all the venos out there no ones got a spotted cat yet. If anyone has been playing around with one could you share your early thoughts on it, thanks
Thanks for the info, i had no clue
I guess theres nothing that can be done about this
Yes that is the promo I was talking about & transaction was completed on 2/9 around 7:40pm est.
My points aren't showing, I thought I was suppose to get Tier 1 & Tier 2 of the promo dated 2/6 to 2/9 since I made the transaction around 8pm
I checked this morning & didn't find the extras items, just the extra gold. Anything chance its just late?
I would also like to know this, seeing as the promos are overlapping each other. Would be nice to get both.
Ive been gone for about a month due to work & managed to get about 300 or so tickets, I did miss the parrot & fashion code tho
I understand most good factions would move with each other its just theres somethings that can only be done by the leader. Was just giving out an option of what could possibly help out the community as a whole. And I do believe the smaller non tw factions dont really care about starting a new faction. Just something to…
In any good faction the leader & director work hand in hand & most directors will carry on till the leader gets back. Positions of authority almost always communicate offline/out of game, so the leader will still be in the know & can assume leadership once he/she is back. Transfer can only happen to director. Its to keep…
They should implement something like "tranfer leadership", after 2 months inactive (or other time frame) director can take leadership to continue the growth of the faction & not just have all the hard work building a faction go to waste.
at least you got a 67Lp one, i've been through 20 or so genies this past week and the best one i've made is 14/30.
Still broken?
New code was sent in an email
I hope its a penguin mount
I'm guessing we might see it after the update in Nov.
I'm down for the Tank or an A10, either is fine with me :D
I must agree, getting yelled & nagged at by the wife for 20+ days to make sure I make the 20 day requirement just to get nothing sucks. Getting some kind of update on this would be nice.
I think its interesting & might give it a go once this hurricane passes