xixiri Arc User


  • - No thanks, I am not interested in PVP. I am a Cleric, a professional healer. I heal people, never kill them. You are thinking about killing people, this is one more proof that Mystics are not healers at heart. A real healer always thinks about healing first. - I am from a poor country and I earn 200 dollars each month…
  • First, the thing you said about Wellspring made me LOL. Second, you forgot that BB and Purify are a must for some bosses / instances. Try to spam AoE heal with your Mystic when a boss 1hit kills everyone, good luck. :) BB decreases all damage you take by 50% AND heals over time. Third, believe me, I am an experienced…
  • Sorry if I offended you with my opinion. However, you don't even know Cleric skills well. xD Extra 20 seconds before IH applies? lol? And you forgot about our fast Wellspring, I often use it with IH for extra heals. Also, what's up with the 30 second channeling on Revive? Normally it's 6, but yeah I have Demon so it's 3…
  • No offence, but who cares about fast heals? My Cleric only has -30% channeling and it's fast enough, I can keep alive my squads way too easily, why would I need even faster heals? O.o; I don't see the point. Clerics were able to keep squads alive in the past 3 years with their SLOW heals, heh. Plus Clerics have BB, Purify,…
  • I totally agree b:angry My main is a cleric too and when tokens were cheap, my daily mana food was under 100k and now almost 200k. It's not easy for me b/c I'm not a cash shopper and I don't have time to grind because of my job, I'm happy if I can do my daily quests and FCC once *sigh* But sure call me a whiner and laugh…
  • heh same problem, had to put up BB too often until I stopped and let people die and learn from their mistakes. I told them to play their class right - I told the Barb to use his aggro skills often and told the DDs to watch their attacks. And guess what it worked, I ended up healing Barb only. This happened in several BHs…
    in bb plz Comment by xixiri January 2011
  • My thoughts exactly! XDD Some people here are just plain rude. But what did you expect? This is the internet.
  • You can't capture mounts, you can BUY mounts for any class. Cleric skills are kind of expensive (if you want to concentrate on both attack and support skills). Supporting your squad mates takes lots of mana so you might have to waste a lot of time on harvesting herbs or spend money to buy potions. I do not recommend it for…
  • Oh I see. xD my bad...
  • You're new and got the anni mount? O.o; WTF?!
  • Wiz is easy to play. I recently started one, don't have much time to lvl her, but I love kiting. xD Nothing can touch me, I'm lvl27 so far and haven't died. x) My BM died like 10 times until lvl20, because apparently, I fail at melee classes. x.x To me, melee classes are the hardest to play, because they cannot kite.
  • Bash is the last skill on my Herc and I do have to right click it every time I summon him. But it takes... a second? x.x You can get used to it.
  • I can't answer everything lol, but I have 50 vit capped, that means 600 extra HP. With some shards and barb buff I have 4800 HP at lvl83. I'm happy with my vit and my damage and I would never change to pure mag. If you can afford epic shards and refines, go for pure mag, otherwise get at least 50 vit, it won't really hurt…
  • I would live somewhere in Hidden Orchid, because it's my favorite place with all the small ponds, white sand and cute wooden shacks. x) I'd be happy with a lovely little wooden house. :3
  • 2. Exactly, let me pull. xD I hate it when people with Zeal steal my job. :c Sure it's faster... But still... T_T I hate Zeal, lol. 3. This depends on the player. Idiots who don't even TRY to learn their class won't be good at it, no matter how they lvl. I lvled fast with dailies and I do know my job. :P When I BH with…
  • A level cap increase would be lame. No one reached the current cap yet. xD How much exp would we need for lvl120? 9,999,999,999,999,999,999? =P Lower the exp needed for lvlup after lvl100, then we can talk about lvl120. -_-
  • In PWI, lvling is NOT slow and boring because we mainly lvl with daily quests and instance runs after lvl40 (Bounty Hunter, Frostcovered City, Public quests, Gamma, and so on). This game is not a grindfest, grinding is optional (you can grind if you like it, but dailies will give you enough exp to lvl fast). Just like…
  • More than 80mil? Woah... O.o; I got my Herc for 67mil in June! I haven't checked the prices since then, so I'm not sure.
  • I've been using PWI since forever and it never harmed my computer. xD Feel free to download it and have fun. :3
  • I joined about a year ago but I had exams so I actually became active in March 2010. That means I play a few hours almost every day. I felt PWI was special right after I joined. I fell in love with the in-depth character customization and fashion, because it's important to me to look unique. xD *is a girl* I also loved the…
  • You can duel on a PVE server and enter PK mode too. On a PVP server, you are FORCED to PVP after lvl30. That means you can get PKed while you're trying to do quests and that's a pain in the butt. x.x I can't understand why would anyone play on a PVP server... ^^; Also, Sanctuary is more populated than HT. I used to be on…
  • Epic fail. b:bye
  • I never said he can be as good as cash shoppers. But for PVE, no one needs 30k USD weapon. Decent gear + smart use of skills = win. Also, PVP / dueling can be fun too, just fight against people who have similar gear. *shrugs*
  • It will never happen because people are GREEDY. I would catch you one but I only have -9% channeling. b:shutup
  • Okay, I don't have an end-game character, and I'm far away from end-game (main just hit lvl80), I've never tried FCC and many other things. I believe that PVE can get boring eventually. BUT I bet PVP / TW can get boring too. I mean, PVP is the same repetetive thing JUST LIKE PVE - you kill people. In PVE, you kill mobs.…
  • Sounds boring. O.o Why don't you just stop TWing if you have money problems? Go do FCC, BHs, TTs, hang out with friends, start a new char... TW is not the only thing on PWI.
  • Yes, but scaring away newbies won't make PW change the new TW system. =P People are now rage quitting and posting anti-PWI comments just because they are angry. I can't really feel with them, because I never TW and never will. But PWI is not TW. TW is just a part of PWI. People can still enjoy quests, dailies, instances,…
  • -.- Many people just whine because they don't like the recent updates and they have nothing better to do. <.< They are angry because of the TW change so they say **** about the game now, to scare newbies away. I say give it a try and decide it if you like it or not.
  • Yes, I enjoyed it, because I was lvling my Archer while I was collecting coins (Archer was my first main and made the Veno when I got the Herc), so it wasn't boring at all. It was a very good feeling to reach my goal and I'm proud because I earnt my Herc with a hard work. (: I live in a poor country, so cannot waste money…
  • NO, for PVE, you don't need epic stuff and spend a crapload of dollars - UNLESS you are impatient. I personally NEVER spent real money on this game. Took me 3 months to save up for the epic cash shop pet (Hercuels) for my Veno INGAME. Took a long time, but I did it. xD It was 66mil. You can save up for ANYTHING, if you are…