xilhi4m Arc User


  • they can close it. atleas it will remind them about the fact that such changes arent suppose to happen without annoucements. also maybe they will inform people more about the status is of it also easy to manipulate with proxy's and here. ppl can see it 1 vote per account
  • what part of ? no changes with no annoucements dont you get. pleas go surf on the internet about games. All online games. games annouce first. before they make a change in a game.. this is called service. towards the costumer. and that your so anti hypers. i really dont give a ****. the fact here is that this way of…
  • This game implemented FC and hypers. so it has become part of the community its now part of PWI.. and such big changes in a game are not suppose to be happening un-annouced. i see it as a thing that the community self has to vote for. yes or no. Thats my issue., and thats kinda most ppl's issue if you read the topic of…
  • first of all the game is getting old and more attractive games .. get released with the day ofcourse it gets more inactive. and lesser ppl .. But this doesnt really help that problem
  • First of all i think no Hypers in FC will effect PWI alot. This means that it will be harder to level up. and it will hit the people with a life pretty hard. Some ppl got kids and got a job they have 1-2 hour every day or 2 to relax and play a game. also the people with money that buy gold in the game .. They will take a…
  • so no hypers fix ? for FC?