xephonics1 Arc User


  • I never said I was against CS use, hell I spent $200 a month for about 6-8 months on the other version. I just did not like the sound of one class having a massively OP'd Cs item, and none of the other classes having one. But it seems that is not the case so I'm fine.
  • How do CS items make a BM op'd? You mean hieros (the hp/mp heal things that auto heal yah)?
  • hrmmm..... summer of last year i think...
  • I figured it used same engine, but games like rohan have MASSIVE varying rates between versions, so I was curious how this one handled it. But if it is the same, that works for me.
  • Better reply :P Sorry, I am a bit jumpy here as well, sick with strep and hungry. I might give it a try again, but only if it works on the wife's laptop as well, since we only play games we both can play.
  • You may be a guy but you act like a ***** on her period. And I did not see any topics lately about it, so I asked. Sorry, I forgot this was not a discussion forum, just a place for jackass kids to flame questions.
  • Thats why I asked the question, and instead of answering it the first time you started bitching at me. In the other version Veno's where about the only ones who could solo. And here they added seemingly OP'd pets. So I asked it it was still bad, and I get cussed out, instead of being told the truth. Jesus ****ing christ,…
  • I'm all for solo being an option, but to make it so only one class can solo at one of the best places seems a bit odd. And seriously get over yourself, and quit calling me son dumbass. I was just asking a question if it had been changed or not and you got on my case. Take your aggression out ingame, or wait to post till…
  • So being the only class to be able to consistently solo TT's (i think that is still the abbreviation) is not OP'd? Ahh, and I thought it was, sorry. I mean in the other version venos were still about the only ones who could solo, but now they seemed to have made an easy button if you have the cash. So I really don't see…