xepadoo2 Arc User


  • I'm thinking I might like to join your guild. I'm 28 and married (my wife might wanna join too, not sure if she is gonna play this game yet). We have been playing mmo's since 2002-ish. We have played many many mmo's, including PW-MY (got to lvl 70ish there). We ran a guild there till a couple jerks ruined it, and kinda…
  • what games lol, WoW was more of a chore to me than Lineage 2, rohan has worse exp curve than this game. anarchy Online is WAY worse. All games have grind, just some present it better. I dont really care what speed I lvl at now, so this game will not be that bad.
  • Ah so the bot problem has faded? Then this f2p might be for me. I played malay PW for a while till my guild fell apart due to a couple ***hats, and that made me and my wife lose interest, since the only reason we played so long was due to friends. I like the game at the lower lvls, 70+ got to be a chore, but I have…
  • I was excited to play till i realized this version had bot probs. The Malay version fixed their bot prob, and i was hoping this version had the same luck, but it seems not.
  • Yeah I figured it must be the other game with flying lol Though it being p2p will stop a lot of ppl from leaving.
  • why do ppl keep referencing september as a dying point of this game? You refering to another game coming out, or big crapp changes to this game?