Hypers in FC was the glitch, it wasn't that they didn't know how to fix it, it's that china said "No, a player shouldn't be able to skip 1/3rd the content in the game, fix it." AFAIK our CMs have been trying to get this reinstated for us since it was turned off due to popular demand. I'm kinda curious if this will be temp…
There is an absolutely amazing feature they added btw. <3 right click a players name then on the menu try "use firework" hope it helps ^^
better idea for FC is to actually make it like it is in CN. its SUPPOSED to be an instance like TT, bosses drop mats and you make gear. we even have the working forges inside the instance. just can't get any mats for it. and there is decent gear for FC, like the necklace and belts that add an additional 100 mdef/pdef and…
dyes are also on sale
its ok i was told there was nothing they could do for me o/ they didn't even try to help.
Is that correct? i logged on my main account and got 200 event gold when I hadn't logged her for the better part of 4 years. from what i understood the reward was static for everyone. And this account which has my main on it didn't even receive an email even tho i'm on every day.
> @thenamesdomino said: > That's not going to happen. last time we tried that the sheer volume of players mass redeeming the code broke our item send tool. When we give out a mass code now it's for something that alot of players think is cool, but not good enough to make them want to attempt to exploit it. There really…