xauss Arc User



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  • dont waste any more on INT maybe at a higher level by the cheapest reset scroll, and reduce INT to 3 (the minimum) and add all the points to DEX mana recovery is basically done with either charms or pots, and your level 30 (or cash shop) wings dont drain mana.
  • explore the UI, and you will find where you can chain combo skills, but i dont think you can combo <Tab> or <Tilde>
  • the party only 1/2 heartedly tried to ensure you completed the fb properly, the failed to ensure you got all the kills, so they also failed to get the rep / XP / blood for themselves (serves them right) you tablet should have returned to your inventory, get a new party and after you killed the last mobs, the quest log…
  • really belongs in newby question section but dissassembling items (1* or 2*) gives 'fuel'... open inventory and drag and drop the fuel onto the wings to recharge them. dont worry, even if charge is 0/600 the wings work fine (not broken), just that you cant use the speed burst until youve added some fuel
  • high level players try and fill all the FB spots with their guildies so their freinds can get the easy XP / rep too rather than anything to do with molders fb 19/29/39 molders are pretty worthless compared to farming HH or their own level FBs, not to mention the fact that drop rates are severly nerfed when you have high…
  • 3* weapons glow blue, 3* armour / jewelry does NOT molder made items glow gold HH items glow green (unless HH gold items - then gold) to upgrade any item by refining requires 1 mirage for armour / jewelry and 2 mirages per weapon per upgrade. take the item and mirage(s) to any elder to upgrade
  • only add STR for your armour requirements INT (Magic) is the wizards primary attribute
  • 1 gold = 100 silver its like dollars and cents
  • a setting changed in your graphics options look at the check boxes until you find the one for player's avatars, and (un)check it. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=82582
  • What exactly do the "stars" on items indicate? Is it something determined by the manufacturing process and Im guessing its done to alter the items stats (maybe in a predetermined manner? more atk/def etc.) and the more stars the better? relative quality 2* > 1* and 3* > 2* roughly (these are not the actual ratio's) 65% of…
  • 1. I read here that weapons or armors have different 'levels'. Is that the same as 'grade' mentioned on the item's details or is that something else that I'm missing. (Yes, Grade/Level same thing.) - 2. Manufacturing items. I've just learnt the basic skills. I'm guessing I need to manufacture 10 items of one grade to move…
  • i've never come across a resource anywhere that details the exact amount of benefit per + on items. basically, the higher level the item, the greater the benefit to adding each + is. default success rates are unpublished, but the bottom line is going from +0 to +1 has a very high success rate, and +1 to +2 has a >50%…
  • not entirely correct mirage stone add +'s to any equiptment. all equiptment (inc Legendary, mold-made, HH etc) originally come with no +s. addiing +'s is done at any elder with 1 mirage stone for armour / jewelry or 2 mirages for weapons. on weapons, it adds to the basic attack (or both p & m-attack on magic weps) on…
  • by the time he makes it +1 / +2 (or higher) and adds stones, it will be much better than your wand, not to mention the adds if you can afford it, id say buy it since you will get your money back when it comes to sell it, it will probably last till you get to 4X weps
  • i dont see the problem he used you to level for a bit, and get some cash off you. now he doesnt need you, and plays with his GF instead. learn and move on
  • there are planty of ways to build a veno... more than any other class since it is the ONLY hybrid class in terms of casting / melee some build for highest casting damage, or to maximse melee efficacy... but the light-armour build is the most adaptable (or robe / heavy mix... whereby you add more STR and less DEX than you…
  • Build Guide STR 1 per level (for armour req) DEX 4 per level CON leave at 5* INT leave at 5 * some people suggest adding some con at earlier levels to give more HP - i dont recommend it (just pot spam or wear heiro) since dex adds to dmg, acc, dodge and crit --- skill guide... (using PW-MY names)
  • the basic tailor-bought gear is the worst. try making your own or buying from AH ones with 2* / 3* and / or blue adds (bonuses) and / or sockets to put stones in however, at lvl 12, they dont make much difference (assuming you are wearing the gear available to your level)... and it is probably more to do with the fact that…
    in Gear help. Comment by October 2008
  • damn right thats shameless demanding wines for 39 and 49 (might as well call it 49 to keep it all the 9s) - and therefore making sure inexperienced players cant complete their quests (of course experienced players know you dont use wine and get the quests done) since you scoffed all the tabs, they wont be able to get help…
  • look in the cash shop to see which ones are currently available the best (and most expensive) ones will be released periodically (getting better and more expensive as they go) to ensure revenues are maximised
  • visit the barbarian trainer (skills cost both SP and gold to learn)
  • your type of flying device determines how it looks see them all here (click on little pics to see them)
  • non-archers can only equip bows (need to be EA to equip x-bows / slings) so the -% casting time bullets and +acc bolts cannot be equipped. on MY servers, when non-EA classes equipped the +crit arrows, there was NO addition to crit rate shown in character screen (at least on the version i was playing at the time) the rumour…
  • short answer - no not really longer answer - use search
  • see all different mounts here the horses are bought from pet administrator (brown and black ones) or with Dragon Tablets from Dragon Tablet Emissaries (white, glowing white and glowing purple ones) all other mounts are bought from item mall mounts cannot fly, but are the fastest way to travel (excluding porting)... much…
  • no you cannot post between the servers you cannot post more than 1 item at a time, unless it is a stackable item, then you can send a stack
  • pics and stats of all the mounts
  • in case any one is still in doubt.... no the first bidder has no advantage bidding 2M does nothing more than mean the next bidder must bid at least 2,100,000 200M is the autowin bid - you will go to war (unproven / untested - 199, 900,001 might be autowin since no-on can bid 200,000,001... but maybe bids of 200M will still…
  • they are elite lvl 71-73 mobs the boss is extreemly hard with a huge AoE (way wider than max range for EP / spellcasters), use WB with HP charm(s) to tank, and try and cancell his AoE skills, and anyone over lvl 60 should survive his AoE with HP charms
  • 1. learn the tame skill 2. put tame skill on hotbar 3. find mob to capture (must have green or orange face on target bar, red face means cant tame coz its a higher level than you, no face means this type of mob can never be tamed) 4. damage mob, use pet to tank 5. cast tame, the lower the mobs health when the skill fires,…
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