" Reset"
PWI -Administrator-GM Thank you for rest, back in Gameb:victory
That works if you E-mail did not change. E-mails where shut down or changed in the past 3years, they are unavailable. The automated response does not take that into consideration and nobody from PWI seems to be capable in solving this. So much for PWI. There is a considerable amount Money in some of this accounts, time…
Same here, they mess up then one gets the runaround to System messages without solutions :angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
Crabclaw is dreaming waiting to get my wifes account reset but only a runaround with automatic responses. Like alot of others - old E-mail accounts invalid. If they need to reset Passwords for security they should have provided the information first.If you run a business you cant afford to **** up. People spend a lot of…
same problem here