wishnu Arc User


  • 1. You say your laughing at my stupidity, but I hope you realize many more are laughing at yours. And yours does seem to continue. 2. Yes, we all know your laughing at that part. 3. The sentence "And lol@ im not going 2 respond to ur posts" isn't what i was talking about in my last post. I was saying that by u saying "wow,…
  • Yes, you definetly did not reply to him. The other 20 out 477 was a ghost. Might want to read what you say yourself and it seems that you are the idiot here. And lol, i jsut say a little thing and you're starting to get pissed, which tells me that somewhere in these posts, you were 'beaten" (or something), you knew it and…
  • looks 2 me like u just did b:chuckle