as i dont have lots of time to game, fairy boxes in solo was a real bonus, allowed me to refine and basically afford to finance my cleric and barb again, I think I am now tired of the constant changes.........see ya pw b:laugh
the one thing i miss from the old game I played -- a small pet to collect drops as you grind (and yes I would be more than happy to find it in the cashop)
group hug ? )
on Sanctuary, certain person with the letter W and Z in the name is now spamming my fac chat, b:angry sollution = emergency inspection, get this gone, while u still have customers,
just want to say, that for 12 months we have been able to decide on what chat we have in Faction, now asking a new member to tone it down is pointless, thanks guys - you have made the decision that we should watch all the ****? every little imature rant we have to sit through, watch it scrole through fac chat ?? GMs not…
believe it or not i randomly clicked on ur post, didnt notice ur GM only title, in future i will endevour to keep out of ur private chat room, and be like all other players who have to tiket to get a private response, congrats on ur godly status in the game, and excuse me while i back out, bowing my head, so sorry i didnt…
roleback = economy and fair play is restored no roleback = some quit, large numbers cease buying Zen i think its fair to say, given that they r good on customer support, and that they need to make a profit as well,, we will have a roleback, so suck it up, go grind that very small amout of XP u lost, smile and enjoy a great…
dont know if anyone else has mentioned this but, regarding inflated prices and people saying it will soon recover -not true, no matter how u think this will affect the actual players, dont forget that some of these rare items will have beem purchased by gold selling companys !!. these rare items will simply sit there,…