Bnned for having less posts than me ^.-
Thanks for this, once the game download concludes I will be abbreviating my way to the top. :)
Ouch. :) Banned for being over the rainbow. :)
These are great, the first one made me laugh out loud when 'zaboo' comes to the guild members house. :D
wealko. :D we - all - ko
Hmm i'm not too interested in my personal avatar at the moment, as I am waiting to be indulged in the game of Perfect world after the download completes. But it would be great if i could have my own avatar down the track ^.^
I enjoyed the movie I am Legend, high up in my top 5 so far ^.-
I am from the "deserted" lands of Australia, my young minions. :D
I enjoy: - South Park - Family guy - Myth Busters - House - That 70's show - Top Gear
Quite a list you have there chi_gokai ^.-
Banned for having an avatar. :)
These pictures make me want to put the download on steroids. :D
8.5/10 Very nice to pronounce
Banned for having a good name.
I have a sad confession... Runescape for 3 years :D
Agranokhaswealth :D
I enjoy listening to Rock, my favourite being The Ataris even though not many have heard of it :D
8/10 it really is Funky :D
Thanks for that, I will definately use this given knowledge to my advantage :)