waxtadpole Arc User


  • There should not have been a time limit, because we're supposed to do it at levels 30, 70, and 90. One does not do that in a week unless one does not have any other life. There's got to be more to this.
  • Did you do what I did, and have the quests for the super inventory stone and the super safe stone in your quest list? I figured out that's why I wasn't getting the banker's quest for the simple inventory and safe extension stones. Trash those quests, and the quest for the extension stones should show up. Hope this helps!…
  • I have bought one safe extension stone and one inventory extension stone. I am NOT getting the quest from the banker in regard to the stones. The Inventory Master, there with the banker, does NOT have a quest for that, either. In fact, all I see with the Invetory Master is for "the largest pet bag," and I do not need that.…
  • Yes. It says, when I look at my veno's qualifications, 45/45 completed. The first 45 is in blue. Does that mean anything? I just do not seem to get her to level 5. What am I missing, for I am obviously missing something! Thanks for all responses.
  • My Veno completed the level 4 blacksmith quest -- crafting the two-star items. Went back to North Arch blacksmith, got book, went to Elder, book disappeared when I supposedly bought the next level skill, but now I cannot progress. What have I done wrong? My cleric also just completed the level 4 quest, and got the book,…
  • I am very glad that this decision has been reconsidered and the Secret Passage is being changed back. It made me angry when my daughter, who also plays, told me what had been done. I certainly do not feel that those of us who wish not to engage in PK, whatever our reasons, should be subjected to it in a location where we…
  • I agree that the faction base is a good IDEA. I also agree that PWI's execution of it STINKS ON ICE. The very fact that a base can be attacked and taken away from a guild, after they have sunk a huge amount of money and work into it, is just FAIL! I am going to be starting a new guild this weekend. I am NOT in any way…
  • Okay, so my mistake was I should have been making level 5 stuff requiring level 3 skill. Went to Archosaur and did that. The bar still did not move! However, when I pressed R and looked at my tailor skill there, the total (n/30) had moved up two for the two items I manufactured. What this seems to boil down to is that for…
  • I am having the same problem: I have gone to the Elder and got level 3 to learn, manufactured a couple of level 3 armors and even a level 4 armor and some hard rim muslin, but I have NOT moved the bar at all to get credit for all this. Is this a glitch? If so, it needs to be fixed as soon as possible, because people are…
  • Okay, here is what I did, and it did not work. 1. Bought a pet collar. 2. Summoned the pet I want to rename. 3. Made sure the pet collar is in my inventory. 4. Talked to Mrs. Zoologist; checked "rename pet" 5. Dragged the desired pet icon to the "rename pet" window, to the box. 6. Typed in the name (just so happens the…