w1mp15hh Arc User


  • well hey it worked.. lookie there b:chuckle
  • is this a serious question? yes im sorry im upset and yes im sorry ur such a hateful person to just keep hurting me when u know damage is already done. funniest part about it is, the people stressing the fact that this thread is pointless kept it alive the longest ..somethin to laugh about atleast >.>
  • "brah" i say this after countless times of asking her to stop she obviosuly wasnt planning on being nice from the get go. GO SOME WHERE ELSE PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ if u have nothing better to do with these few minutes of your life go right ahead i dont care anymore u ppl will have to answer to someone one day
  • talk about how much money u waste in virtual land some where else plz this has nothin to do with this thread
  • what does this have to do with anything? your such an ugly person! i asked u to plz stop several times and u just keep antagonizing me plz leave plzur not here to help ur here to make sure u get ur last little words in and hurt me in the process
  • "shoot me" is a figure of speech... figured that was obvious.. if all of you are such assets to the game then why the hell are you here bashing me? plz just leave me be.. like i said i feel horrible enough quit throwing fuel on the fire
  • all u ppl with 1k+ posts i see where they come from...hamster u to
  • apparently so..or thatd b like me saying "i only robbed one bank..so n so robbed 10"...
  • shoot me...
  • nastassiya, is this how u get ur post count up? arguing? plz just leave ur an ugly person and me putting this here lets others know not to follow in my footsteps. since the gms havnt
  • yeah ill just try go back to being patient..did for the first 10 hours or so .. but very agonizing lol.. >.< its late anyway gm's prob sleeping i guess... so ill be back in the morning.. probably feel better so long no hateful post start my day off >.< thanks every1...besides the bashers who think i want theyre…
  • no like i said im a new player i dont spend my whole day on forums i like to play the game. but i did that like 16 hours ago now.. i just want to know if its perm or what so i made this in hopes for that but instead i just get people bashing me.. like u were told as a child, if u dont have anything good to say then dont…
  • ok again ill say the 2 posts were on 2 dif subjects obviously..one is with me crying and the other is a reply... get off yer high horse lady and do you think i give a damn about my post count, i clearly made this account just so i could talk on forums .. i swear why do u ppl TRY to argue get a new hobby PLZ JUST STOP I…
  • ok im sorry miss forum ****. but i posted the 2nd one after reading ur post, because the first time posted we posted at the same time..(within a minute) so ididnt see urs.. both post had 2 different subject..referring to 2 dif post...so please go troll else where DOUBLE POSTING = 2 THREADS OF THE SAME TOPIC ... not post…
  • not asking for your sympathy. nor you or you.. or you ...or you.. just gm's :\ but ill end this thread here...seems people r getting uglier by the minute.
  • its not double posting if its something different o.O...and its inside one thread. and im sorry u feel that way.
  • not like i looked to hard b:sad just put my cursor over the gear to see its worth ..its like they did this just to see who would go for it... why else would they only make one item worth 37k.. :( and i highly doubt my few 100k affected anything in the slightest..
  • i guess this means good bye..b:cry i had to **** a good thing up b:cry im not turnin my badge in till i get an official response of course.. but LP got my really upset :\ b:surrenderb:bye
  • 6 days! b:cry i hadnt a clue this was illegal :(.. why do u think 6 days?
  • sorry i didnt clarify.. will edit it .. some wheres..
  • yes i just sold them to npc male leggings were 37k each for some reason, other parts were all 1k ea
  • of course it went bad im banned... idk how this involved the cash shop tho
  • thought i was the only one confused ty,..so anyone know how long these tickets may take? (not getting pushy take all the time u need gms!) lol im walkin on thin ice as is
  • i dont know what u mean by, exploiting other players to make it look like it cash shop.. in this i am in now way tryin to exploit anyone i just want my account back in action .. take all the gold i scammed off i dont care just lemeee play
  • and i read gm spoons post and he said they would just get suspicious of some1 who made a few accounts...so maybe they are just making sure i dont have 50 bots farming pwi gold? (i pray)..
  • but how am i suppose to know that this is illegal .. i wish they would of just said somethin instead of sorta .."jumpin the gun"... or maybe it was i who jumped :( lol it doesnt say if its temporary or perm it just says your account has been baned from perfect world. really scared me at first because when i tried to log in…
  • me and my friend irl both did it .. and he came over and logged on his acc so that like doubled the amount of accounts i already had on my ip... guess i shouldnt of let him play
  • i sent in a ticket like 14 hours ago and nothing yet.. how long can this process take , i understand there alot of players... and i have DEFINATLY! learned my lesson :'( so scared lol and i have a confession .. :( i made a couple of accounts... but there was nothin saying for me not to! they didnt say please limit ur ip…