Bump. I want the answer as well.
I was dueling a Seeker, and when I tried, I was 5-0, and every duel was started at close range. Mystics seem weak as well, although I haven't fought them too much. Most dangerous part is probably the Demon's Skull Slap, which stuns you long enough for the Mystic to kill, generally.
Aqua Cannon is pretty incredible in the Public quest, provided a Seeker is taking most of the aggro. At Level 1, it was doing about 10k damage to 4-6 enemies, and since it has a short CD, you can spam it a lot. It would absolutely devastating at level 10 or 11 and decent gear.
Oh, seems like Glacial is more like 3 or 4, but Ok. Thanks for clearing it up.
Another question: Is there a reason that Glacial Shards' radius is so much worse than SBB's? They are supposed to have an identical radii, but so many times when I'm AoEing a group of enemies, SBB will hit more of them than Glacial, despite the fact they haven't moved. Anyone else have this problem, or is just me?
So you can add to the main post: The Psychic's Tide Spirit essentially gives all your skill an instant channeling time. It's maybe .1 seconds of channeling for any skill you use.