velsin Arc User


  • Hmm, Nefarious has always seemed a bit quiet, to the point of being reticence.
  • I'm Audeamus, anyone in legendary could verify that statement by reviewing a kill log of the TW if they had one. I'd probably be in there 10-20 times. Here's an interesting twist, since were getting rumors and conspiracy theories going. What if we were actually all Legendary alts, and we were just using this faction to…
    in Seriously? Comment by velsin May 2009
  • It won't matter anyway. I don't see anyone fighting Leg besides us. Must mean that all the other factions are just Legendary alts. Truth is, if Regicide/Legendary couldn't hold it together in the same TW slots then neither faction stands a chance. Reg got totally spanked, so did Leg. Unless Leg can pull their act together…
    in Seriously? Comment by velsin May 2009