Ofcourse it should be optional.It would be fattal mistake if not so.(sorry for bad english).
Well I think it would be nice to have a CHOICE betwen fury or non fury venomancer. I don't want to completly remove qurent looks.
I am not saying to remove the current look of Venomancer I am jusr saying it would be nice to have a choice between two of looks. Or at least ear fix.
Well I still think it should be changed.Venomancers look great but they are to human like. If you ask me this is how should they look:
That is also a good point.It shouldn't be that hard to at least change the color of animal body parts (Maybe tigger cat tail). I am not asking like removing totally venomancers look but they don't relly look untamed. Also it is stupid that all barbarians change to tiger and all venomancers to fox. Venos should look more…
More like bat.And maybe even each of forms should have unique abilitie.
Can't we have a choice what kind of Venomancer do we want?If people want to have anime cat girls ok but people that don't like them so much should have more animalistic venomancer. And it is stupid that my Cat venomancer becomes fox.