varf Arc User


  • You can't combine those +10 orbs to make higher orbs.. why do people keep saying that...
  • Terrere busted his post cherry.. GRATS TER! - so fitting that you got the words boob and peepee in that same post.... only missing sammich ijs
  • Alright it is actually 300 for 10 books... but it isn't under an Assassin all thing.. It is under Assassin trade demon or assassin sage trade or something to that effect under all of the random choices... They are all lvl 92... They all require Master of Discord (lvl 99 culti) although I am unsure at this point if that is…
  • I belive this is an old issue, I love when its talked about though. Somone allways comes in to ask if lureing a boss or mob to a safe zone so they don't get pk'd is fair play, But.... they fail to add not only have they anoyed an entire server which prevents them from standing out side a safe zone for more then 5 minute,…
  • Its not really a problem with new add-on's with barb skills, it's a combination of no foresight by PWI and skill changes again. The skills alone are LOL in the realm of things but they all seem to work together along with the genie buffs so makes it seem OP atm. I am more concerned with the changes with everyone else's…
  • 1. Another fine exsample of the crappy end of New Patch Glitches.. 2. Some were on the other side of this wall is a player saying "That would look GREAT on my wall" 3. Proof only botters get ahead in this Game!! b:cry 4. One of the only times you will see the text "what a horses ****!" with out a GM spamming to "clean up…