The main question for all classes is. What happens when all you buffs run out. b:laugh
Reach endgame Get the highest possible HA gear Then put stone barrier on Get buffs from everyone And WC that you have the most p.def in the world b:victory
I second this^
It'd be funny to watch the sin thinking he is invincible....and then dying as soon as he attacks b:chuckle I am exaggerating in my posts...about the power of the sins...but it's the cool thing to do ;D
maybe an archer's baragge can do the trick?
I would choose wizard....mainly because of the high damage per hit that they have(the highest among all classes) And @ endgame......Wizards get a TREMENDOUS boost in power. Wizards are known as " The endgame class" Wizards become one of the strongest classes @ endgame,and one of the most feared. Archers are good all…
But why should it be lower-depthed? This Thread is helping to control Spam and Trolling......and was created with a Pure motive b:cute Edit: and to answer your question: Some ppl are not as "well-endowed" as others........we can only hope that those ppl are 12 years old and will get smarter as they age :D
Lots of the "Veterans" have already quit. But,yeah..this could work
I hope the mods won't close this b:surrender
If you want to troll/spam you can do so in the official trolling thread....down @ the off-topic discussion b:victory
This thread will help control the trolling and spam in the forums......If you see anyone spamming or trolling in the can direct them to this thread where they can Troll/spam all they want b:victory b:sinb:sinb:sin
For an endgame archer Once you're +11 You are a challenge for almost all classes.
Create an oppurtuninty(or wait for the right time) and arma that **** b:victory
b:puzzled What are you saying? I am just joking with Rawrgh b:chuckle
your welcome :D Good night b:bye
Filter circumvention b:surrender
Hope is the best b:victory /10 char
lol.... I'm not a new poster b:chuckle Anyways....good luck to you too b:victory But I have yet to hear your opinion on anything b:surrender
1-90 pure 90-100 pure 100-105 pure Pure all the way b:victory
TY b:thanks I'm going off to sleep now, good night b:bye
- is your pvp experience....with these stats? Which classes do you find hardest to kill?
^ this the attacker's attack would be "self-debuffed" and then the damage it inflicts will be "debuffed".......same thing happens to both psychics And extremly little damage will be done to both b:victory
before sins started pulling cata's while invisible.
Which one are you going? b:laugh
get your own opinion and stop agreeing with ppl b:bye
Is it true what someone posted....psychics pwn @ endgame? Edit: wow assasins are winning by FAAAR Wizards,Barbs......where is your can you let this happen ~.^
So what's the main difference in playstyle betweeen sage/demon ?
From now on....anyone who says classes are balanced...will get slapped b:beatenup
The reason why ppl ask what is the best because there never is a "balance" of power betwen the classes.b:bye
Cause they were cool back then b:surrender