"They were told to stone themselves to death for sheer stupidity.....and this is how they were found a month later."
Tikana: "ok guys, hear me out on this one....whats the only thing that could survive an attack from a world boss?" Maart: "Surely you cant be serious....a wall?" Tikana: "I am serious....and don't call me Shurley"
LOOK! photographic evidence that the GMs dont know how to use the "hide UI" option!
Oprah: ..."He does not forgive, he does not forget, his group has over 9000 bricks, and they are ALL stopping GMs"
Maart: Frankie, what does your scouter say about the walls power level? FrankieRaye: ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!
FrankieRaye: Do not try and bend the wall...for that is impossible! Instead, only try to realize the truth. Maart: what truth? FrankieRaye: THERE IS NO WALL O_O!