@iamluckingfoco i agree with u on some points there while i do think it should be harder to lvl but not too easy as well it just seems like theyve made it impossibly hard to do so lol i dont mind it so much cause hey as long as u hit 100 and have the gear why not take your time? even so doesnt make it any less of a pain in…
@jadasia it wasnt so much about FC as thats the point i noticed that chat was most active (until recent server merge ofc) @zoner112012 i agree with u on the customer support the game itself is awesome i cant stay away but when it comes to sending a ticket id rather leave it be than bet on a GM to be of any use and…
or u can just do it the easy way and open the folder pwi is in, open the launcher folder and delete arcsdk.dll file before u start the game every time (not if u wanna open a 2nd window u will have to delete arcsdk.dll again but after that should be fine to open a 3rd one just in case 1 crashes cause itll fail the update at…
ok i see yalls point now and maybe i wasnt paying attention when i was still a nub XD and no for those that said i used FC to lvl i did not lol cause i could never catch a squad to do so cause i have the attention span of a gnat lol but it would be nice if higher ups got more dailies so it wasnt such a pain just to get to…