tuckyken Arc User


  • well i mean i did a speed test and everything seems fine, i turned off pc and modem, didnt change, restarted pc and sitll the same. its been like this for 3 days and getting annoying, dunno if it is isp cuz everything esle on the net seems to work good. another thing i need to add is that once in a while it stays stable…
  • u learned murder all those what lol? idk but if u mean u taught him combos dont know why u dont use any of it. all i see u do most of the time is normal hit, didnt know that was a combo ;l
  • well jesya and ahira have jades and really great gear, any with that kind of gear from anohter class would kill good. Miz does good with her gear, ahira and jesya i dont see play much. Ep are just to squishy , they are not meant for killing. Nntora isnt all that good, he doesnt have many combos. Two is good 2, but Murder…
  • From my point of view: lost city server * Bm: haven't seem any in action * Wiz: mooooo, * Seeker: murderfists, kriegscott * Mystic: have not seen any in action * Psychic: psychotic, sumwun * Sin: rinc, death strike , bait * Barb: apachi in 1v1s, flashman * Veno: oouinee, Azura(spellcheck does it auto sometimes i dont see…
  • idk who longknife is but trying to make this a serious thread.... would be nice for people to actually give a decent list : ) just for the fun
  • ThisIsMyalt, just recently seen him active again. He was in spectral and imo was a really skilled bm especially in tw and pve. He timed his stuns right and helps keep squad alive. I would say YellowFlash was a great bm, but with many r9s i hardly hear of him now. PoohBear imo is best barb lol, been in squad with him so…
  • if ur blood red
  • yeah but even if u know how to play your class, axe bms dont really have the dd to take down a r9 seeker with like 20k hp+ not to mention its defense level and same goes with barbs. With archers still hitting for at least 8k crits unmarrowed and if marrowed they eat u up with their phys attacks. Seekers are similar, u…
  • So has the removal of the orb sale fixed the problem yet :)?
  • i know its not true, i've taken classes on programming and such. For clients to be crashing because of orb sale... There was no bug or anything with the sale they just did it because they guessed. Client crashing problem was reported before the sale for over months now and my guess is they would blame the sale. For them…
  • client crashing has been going on and reported before this sale, gms just blaming the orbs for it since they don't have an answer. Yet they have time to remove these things and not putt a sale to replace this and still have the orb sale at home page, what a way to mock us ....since when did a sale make clients crash. I…
  • yeah but the damage was done, i sold some of my gear to afford a 11* for my weapon...
  • they better put them back for the same price, i sold some of my gear pieces so i could afford 11*.... and they don't tell us they are going to remove them until after they do, ridiculous stupid.
  • emergency my as.s, 6m away from getting 11* and i sold some of my freaken gear to get it.............should've gave us a heads up ..disappointed in the staff.