same but this happen before so i bet theyll fix it
what imma do is 3 con 1 str and 1 dex..that should work out niceley
alot of ppl r experienceing that...i hope they plan 2 fix
make sure caps isnt on or you pt a shift in ur code like if ur password is banana but u spelled it Banana it might say incorrect password so check that out
u should get verizon wirless...cuz thats what i got and i can be on 2 things at once connection speed is beautiful
so its not my comp...its the server?? thats a sigh of relief cuz i miss my elf cleric :(
ur not bugged i think its mainence..but im not downloading again..i downloaded 4 times cuz each time for sum strange reason my internet explorer wouldnt work i had to call dell and everythinig...but i guess ur right about problems in beta...but y is the server light red but theres ppl with theese problems?
so if its down y isnt this posted on the homepage??? also when will it be back up?
same wit any1 gonna fix this anytime soon cuz im getting fustrated cuz i cant play:mad: