Lets face it, the game has alot of facets, so theres gonna be alot ways in which things can get put out of balance. Now your first statment has some merit. The Rising Tide Expansion did a number on the entire balance thing. And I was one of those dedicated (only gonna play a single toon) players. And it can be a very tough…
Im most excited about the balancing of classes. The game has come a long ways but in all of the new and improved, some of the old classes seem to have faded a bit. I fought the idea of creating multible characters for a long time because I never believed in it, but those that did start a new with past expansions adapted to…
Of the classes ive played the Assassin is by far the easiest. I had alot of trouble with my others and was always needing help from others for various quests and bosses. The sin is really good at soloing just about everything, they can stealth away in any sight of trouble, teleport in and out of situations, the are…
It seams that everywhere you look, its sin mania!! I was passing through the cube after a bh, and as I stopped to light a smoke, I counted as an endless parade of sins come running through the shortcut. I was amazed as to how many people got on their sins at server reset. It apparently is everyones priority to get their…
I finally gave up and started a sin, ive played an archer as my only toon for 2 years now and just got tired of seeing players with half the time and money as ive put in just blow right by me. I realize that typically toons pvp based are weak pve. And perhaps on a pvp server archers have alot of merit, but it seams to me…
Why no Sta in Nirvana?
Thanks for the useful link, I think its says it best here Level 95-99: Archers suck at endgame! I need +8 in all my equips so I can last long enough to run away! Wah!!!
I recently did the rebuild of my archer to fist, im using 2 socket GV at +6, lunar aps cape, ashura armor besides the pants which im guess i go with the nirvy, chest i just swapped for rank 6 for int as well. i can aps at 2.5 currently, so im at around 150 mil in gear and yes I was talking about Solo Mode TT3-1. Maybe im…