i dotn think PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS is a good word ot form an sentence becouse its a disease... but i will go futher There it ran for at cakes, genuflecting in church after the car cooked boobies big and "smells secksy" said antidisestablishmentarianism which was drunk from rick rolling high ON…
- Nukes destroy everything in theyr paths
well i have to use Timmeh b4... lets start at the beginning shall we:P well idk why but my parent came up with tthe name TIM when i was 13 i met some guys that became my friends Then they started to kall me Timmus idk why... i didnt liked that so i sayd say Timmeh its much cooler so i was named timmeh When i wanted to…
Banned for using to big letters
Hmm good question I SAY NO I consider myself not attractive if someone else does i can understand it becouse its just ur taste of boy :P if i sayd it right :confused:
!!!DUTCH!!! Bored = Verveeld ver-v long e lt
Most Frodo (form Lord of the Rings) Becouse: I keep on going nomatter how hard it gets. I travel alot and far. I always have my bestfriend beside me. I dont have a GF to xD So i think its him :P or spongebob :confused:
Hey this is me =P i took it after dying my hair.... :D i have 2 but i dont look so good but wtf does that matter to me :D Greetz :cool: