tientiensuser Arc User


  • It would be a great idea. There was a lot of discussion over at the FW forum about the bot before it was implemented with many people disagreeing with the concept. Some people felt it would never be implemented since it wouldnt mesh with PW's bottom line. But in the end, it was eventually included into the game and players…
  • There were so many superior games to gw 2 that have already been released. I dont think it will matter much.
  • Inflation is good for sellers who had purchased the item at the previous price and intend to sell it at the newly inflated price. Its bad for consumers who dont possess any inventory in order to hedge against higher prices. High drop rates would help reduce inflation that so many players are complaining about. It would…
  • Thats funny. Because I actually quit wow to play this.
  • FW has very good graphics. Visually, FW's game engine is superior to whatever PWI is currently running on. Although some of PWI's expansions and character models are almost comparable to FW, FW is much more consistent in its visual qualities. The weakness of FW's engine is that it appears to be unable to run a seamless…
  • Its an earlier game so I understand that the design philosohpy is much different from games that were released after PWI. But as a new player, you launch your core client. Download both PWI and FW. And you spend 2 or 3 days in both games and FW feels like a hot chick with very loose standards. And of course, you keep…
  • The only problem is the game is hard. People talk about how they made it to 80 in 3 days. I must have missed that when I played because I remember making it to level 23 and realized leveling was taking too long. Then I played forsaken world and they let me afk my way to 80. If PWI employed some of the same mechanics as FW.…
  • Id like to see them make a new game. A PW2, and allow old players the incentive to transfer to the new title.
  • Welcome to MMO Land where gameplay is simply doing tedious quests and kill random mobs till you hit level cap. This is pretty much standard design for every MMO. There hasnt been any design change in a while. Its goes back as early as Dragon Quest where the player grinded on monsters to become strong enough to enter the…
  • Someone should do a video of that. A map with a invisible pool of sins. With the first sin getting caught while stealthed, and then the second sin getting struck while being out of stealth. Leading to a domino effect of sins being ganked.
  • Stories are rarely read in MMOs. Even in console games where they force the player to watch cutscenes, a substantial number of them would rather be doing something else. I suggest in the future, MMOs should include cutscenes or dialogue that appears in the game while you play. To force the player to hear it or watch it.…
  • Not necessarily. If you put money into a game, it shows commitment. It would be hard for me to quit a game if I put money into it. If I havent put money into a game yet, its probably because Im not sure whether to commit or not. Anyways, gear disparity is a frightening thing. For a new player coming in. The player sees…
  • Doesnt matter whether if its time based gear or cash shopped gear. Imbalance is imbalance. When the gear is introduced into pvp, it creates a feeling disparity between the player base. MMOs really dont adress gear dependancy too much. But thats what makes MMOs feel uncomfortable to play.
  • PW has released two new titles to compete with new generation games. But maybe some players are more loyal to PWI than they are PW the company. So they arent going to switch to a new title just becuse PW happens to back it. Maybe the company can design a sequel to PW since Anet is obviously abandoning their first title.…
  • Raiderz and NeverWinter Nights are also next gen games if you are interested in something new. PW does have new releases if you are looking for something young and fresh. b:laugh
  • Trolls in world chat are fun. The more the merrier.
  • Very few games have actually addressed this issue. There is only one next gen mmo that claims to have class and gear balance. All MMOs have this gear disparity problem. In F2P games, its the players who either spent the most time playing or spent the most money. In p2p games, its the players who spent the most time…
  • Game forums are normally filled with complaints. The real danger is when there are no complaints left because the playerbase has simply stopped playing. Wont see my post in some games which was just months and months worth of criticism about a certain game. And that because I simply stopped playing.
  • Zombie is an independent studio, but their cash shop will most likely be managed by PW since its published by them. Depending on how badly PW wants to make money from operating the game. Runic is owned by PW. Torchlight 2 a single player game with multiplayer attached to it. Probably wont expect anyone to pay more than…
  • WOW is a dated game. Which is why so many have already quit. No additional effort except maybe an expansion in order to compete with wow. The new games are meant to address future releases down the road. Something an expansion alone would never be able to resolve. Games being released by NCsoft and Bluehole. Those unknowns…
  • I played it when it was first on the Malaysian servers I think. But my PC was pretty bad so I quit. But I had lots of fun with the character creation mode where I didnt suffer much in frame rate losses. Came back 3 years later when I upgraded my PC. But by then, PW had already released a whole new set of titles.
  • The game has been around since 2005. It was released in the us in 2008. So the game will soon to be 7 years old. Although less then 4 in the states. The current level cap is about 105, and the leveling pace is quite conservative. So whenever a new player enters the game and sees the level cap along with getting an…
  • Its a very intimidating game. The level cap currently rests at 105. For someone that is level 95. Thats just 10 more levels. Although from what I hear, its still considered too much grind according to veterans. But for someone just starting out. Thats 105 levels they will have to grind through. Once they get a feel for the…
  • Initially, its visuals. Something superficial like graphics and art style. Its not enough to keep you playing, but its enough to make you interested in trying it out. I would also need to have the hardware to run the game. Wouldnt want to play a slideshow. And then we need to discover the kind of personality this game has.…
  • wow didnt have much in competition. FF11 which was the best looking MMO at the time was considered a serious grindfest by casual players. Especially those who were drawn to FF11 simply because they were familiar with FF titles. wow which was still grindfest, was much laid back than ff11 in both progression and community…
  • Leveling pace. When I purchased a new computer. This was the first game I downloaded and installed. I then went on to level a variety of toons. The highest I got was level twenty something. The pace went to a sudden stall. The gameplay essentially became, kill a few mobs, meditate. Kill a few mobs, meditate again. The…
  • Yea, they are probably better off releasing Perfect World 2. My new computer fresh from the factory couldnt even run this game at max settings. Of course, it used an integrated card. But most factory PCs are integrated.
  • hehe. If this game's graphics upgrade has really forced that many players to have hardware issues. Then I really need to come back and play this game again just to see what it looks like now.