thoriumxenon Arc User


  • b:sad been looking forward to Christmas event, skipping it is another epic mistake from PWI...showing how little they care about the players.
  • Just another saying I hate anniversary packs and I've never met a player who does like them. Sure there are a few spending a ton of RL cash to buy them, but there is no way it can represent any significant percentage of players. PWI needs to cap aution house gold prices. Simplest way is to add a NPC that sales gold at a…
  • Hellooo? *knocks on monitor glass* Anyone home, PWI Overlords? Anyone paying attenion? We HATE the anniversary packs. Two weeks after the anniversary packs were gone, gold prices were still more than double what they were before September. The economy did not recover, it is worse. One of the biggest complaints is the gold…