thermonuklear Arc User


  • Your faction has clearly broken the rules of TW by conspiring together to defraud the prize system. We will let the GMs decide. Not you Kerona. Shout at me as loud as you want it changes nothing. The Leaders of Regi and LG (BabyLG) have conspired together by noshowing eachother and cheat the TW system. If it wasnt a cheat…
  • Thats exactly what a conspiracy between factions is. Thank you for making my point for me. You cant possibly be that *edited* ;) . If you cant field multiple defenses, might as well cheat to do so. Now, your defending ur **** faction, i understand. Not worth wasting my time over. Funny though :)
  • Did your factions conspire to alter TW outcomes? admittedly yes. Admittedly underhanded and unfair. And you hold your head up? Really? Multiple lands requires multiple TW teams, if you cant field multiple TW teams you dont deserve to hold multiple lands. Thats how TW works. Dont boast over your victory when its so shallow.
  • yes, if you cant field multiple tw teams and need to conspire to win, i have no respect for that. Holding multiple lands requires fielding multiple TW teams. Conspiracy is cheating.
  • Are Legendary and Regicide (Sanctuary) so great that they conspire together to alter the outcome of others TW by no-showing eachother til their battles are over against smaller guilds? Its neither in the spirit of fair play nor fun. I have lost any respect for their leaders or factions. Have a nice day.