This level of stupidity is a talent. You're either born with it, or you have to practise everyday to achieve it. Congratulations.
If PWI actually does a rollback on those characters, I will have MAJOR respect for them. But honestly, those people are the CSers, so it's not like anything will actually be done.
Hey man, you know that's how I like it, hard on, no rubbers, hardcore, 24/7, what what in the butt. I think you're on to something here...
I dunno, do they pay you to talk the level of bs you do? I mean like, it's as if you practice this, wtf? Do you REALLY see them doing anything else about goons? Like, really, you've been on this game for a long time. You know very well how things you HONESTLY think they're going to do anything further?
Because there's goons and heads...
****, I forgot, Shadow Escape afterwards, how could I have forgotten? b:bye
Herp Derp r8/r9 daggs with God of Frenzy and APS, herp derp stealth -> double spark -> Inner Harmony -> Headhunt -> APS -> dead, derp
I can't believe you asked this stupid question...
Exactly who are you again, Mr. lvl91 nub archer from a PvE server, whom my post has absolutely nothing to do with?
The "lowbies" signed up for RPK. They are on a PvP server. QQ moar.
I really dunno why you're talking about PK when you're on a PvE server, but okay...
It's all the rave, but I'd like to reach my hand in to guide it in the direction I want it to go: Lawl, valhalla so fail they can't even ban right lol. I wanna know what kind of strategies they have for their TWs. Like having IPK_U_Sin leeroy bases and other pr0 shet like that. I dunno why they STILL haven't talked to IPK…
I wasn't asking about the rubberband issue: I was asking you to reply to this post here:
I looked for a way to report that ****** sh*t post but apparently they don't have one.
Basically, every skill on a barb's skill bar is a buff. Only noobs wouldn't know that. Wtfack susa, you nub, go buff some archers you useless base buffer. /facepalm @SashaGrey. PvE fails ftw...
Bytch please, gtfo with dat BS. You know as well as I do that Goons, SP, Rubberband and every other glitch/change is here to stay. I'm gonna go PK some blue names in SP right now, just so I can confirm that it's still on. When I've killed about 15 or 20 or so I'll probably be confident enough to think that I can rest…
As a rule, any PvP server veno who browses these forums eventually rage quits.
Did you charge zen??? You need to charge more zen, that's why it stopped working b:shocked
Charge zen. Problem solved. b:bye
Love you Eo <3 EDIT: Mm, watched it in 720p, like a boss \o/ EDIT2: In FULL SCREEN BABY
Whenever a sin uses Shadow Escape to force stealth and escape a fight, (90 sec cooldown) they gain 1 spark. Whenever a sin uses Rising Dragon Strike (30 sec cooldown), they gain 150 chi (1.5 sparks). Whenever a sin uses Tackling Slash (15 sec cooldown), they gain 50 chi. Whenever a sin uses Inner Harmony (60 sec cooldown),…
A few notes I'll make in passing to help ground your perceptions to what actually happens in the game so you can make a more practically informed choice: (1) Is your veno character on a PvP or PvE server? Do you intend to do any world PK on it, if on a PvE server? (2) You say you "like the idea of HA/AA for TW". Do you…
Yesh, they're the ones who were our candidate for PWIC \o/
I'll categorize each leveling method by level range: 1-40: FC heads. 41-105: Glitch FC. I hope this in depth guide to PWI PvE will serve to make your gaming experience easier and more enjoyable. b:pleased
Is there anything else you think might be response worthy in here? :/
This is because until only prolly a month or so ago, all you fail venos in here were telling other venos not to get lvl79 Break skills. "They aren't as great as they sound and they rarely ever proc". So now nobody even knows about veno breaks. Lawl, things are cleaning up slowly but surely though, and you all are failing…
I have something intelligent to say.
Hey man, at this rate you'll never have a shot at glory in Valhalla. You have to screenshot 500gold on your trade account and attach it to your application before your application gets a second glance.
This thread = fail. /end
Nobody cares about your mood moron...