Well, this is funny situation, and If some can explain that to me... If I understand correctly all of posters here about that merge and stuff, Enrage, Ceasar now, and Elysium before are made of former Radiance ppl, whom, again, are joined Radiance, and mostly were from last days of RoC.... And so on, and on, and on.... Q…
ok, small jumping in post.... hi all... As l70 cleric I picked few points... - If anyone asking for BB with charm, then I request same, HP charms on all...I am not selfish, but... get a life... - Any1 whining about heals, then, next action, he/she is out of them... Mostly ppl ignore tactic, and rush before time, then…
tnx for your help, bear is in inventory, and lvl 2... :D plenty of food for his pleasure