Ive opened 1k+ S packs easy and never gotten an S card out of any of them the two S cards i have 1 came from the free one for 10 A`s the other was for winning a spend event raffle... for the longest time i did every event and did everything i could to try and get an S card.. now i realize its like the OP says..and if your…
Everytime i switch over to the right avatar the lvl 102 archer... the forums will not load and it says data base error and to reload the wont work for me agian until i switch back to this broken Avatar.. So it might be fixed for some...but its def not fixed for all
HappySock ..FTW !! Temeilion BTW could someone tell me how to get an avatar lol ?
Hi i remember a few weeks ago there was a post on the forums asking if KD would be turning the tw map all red..the comments i saw from KD members and fans alike really pissed off a large portion of the server. I also remember a KD memeber mentioning that the factions attacking them where dumb for not stacking there attacks…