tayla Arc User


  • I'm confused.. you said that if the person didn't want to be PK'd they should have picked a PvE server. However, when another person pointed out that there was no PvE server in CB, you claimed you didn't care. That seems rather contradictory. Granted, I never understood the "fun" in PKing... it just seemed like a way to…
  • ^^banned for having no ingame name on his sig
  • The cash shop is going to open after beta, since the servers will be wiped when beta concludes. You wouldn't want to loose whatever you bought would you?
  • No one may be a customer at this point.. but the point of the beta test is to attract people to the game and show them what its going to be like. By alienating people this early in the game, they are driving away their customer base. They're establishing a precedent that they will lie to us in the future without remorse..…
  • Don't we all want to play now?
  • ^^ banned for not giving out free cookies.
  • I live in Dallas too... I regularly visit my significant other in Plano, work in Addison and live in Richardson. I have to say, I've never been on an mmorpg where so many people live in the same city as I do. At least there will be a good chance of being able to make friends with people close to me ^_^
    in Texas?? Comment by tayla August 2008
  • There it ran for at cakes, genuflecting in church after the car cooked boobies big and "smells secksy" said
  • Banned for having too short a name.
  • ^^banned for encouraging more trolls.