oh ok nvm thanks lol i leveled up after answering both anti **** questions right
There's 6 chars int he box and answers is only up to 4..........????
ok i tried exiting game but when i logged back in it's still there
guys just minimize it, dont even try to answer or try exit game when it appears
ANOTHER HATER!!!!!!!!!!!! Throw rocks!!!!!!!!
HATER!!!!!!!!!!!! Throw rocks at them haterz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
patch Is Out Now!!!!!! Gogogo!
Teach me Master
Where"s The Patch Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Will Client auto patch or do we have do manual patch if we wanna get a headstart?
make moe babies
Yay almost 1pm!!!! While waiting watching this short pwi music vid!!! hope you guys like it. please rate
Oh god, this is getting hot. femdom!!!!