I'm having the same issue. Can't get into PWI. I tried everything listed above and nothing helped. I can't even make a support ticket (tried arc and PWI categories) Message returned says can't leave it blank. Hope support actually reads these comments. I had an arc update when I first logged in and I was in, but then I…
Flyers can be upgraded via the codex. The wings I checked required 80 Fushi Pearls, which is a boutique item of course.
When I try to log into Etherblade server, it says could not retrieve character list. I was able to create a new character on twilight server.
Central time
Etherblade Server has been down since around 1:45 am
It has been weeks since normal Nation Wars actually worked. I saw complaints about it from April 27, but I think it was before that. I'm on Etherblade server. It broke during the time that the China office was closed and no maintenance was done and no boutique updates happened for so long. A couple times after a weekly…
Charger Paradise is available at homestead level 11 after completing the prosperous homestead quest .
I finally was able to verify 3 times. (Data allowance so I had to do this between 3 and 8 am, when data is free.) I tried and could not get in. I verified that PWI was allowed through firewall again and turned anti-virus off. Still didn't work. Waited a bit and turned firewall off too. Still does not work. I talk to the…
Sucks to be me! Satellite and dial up are my ONLY options. There is no cell phone coverage in my house and outside, I'm lucky if I get 1 bar (standing still in a specific location). Cable does not exist, and I am way too far away from the telco central office for DSL. I'll try the suggestions and see what happens.
Hello. This is Angelic_Heal. You are doing a wonderful job with the postings and information for the PW community. Please anyone who has a request for music, feel free to post it. If we have it, we'll play it. If we don't know about it, then you just have to listen to what we have and hope your favorite is in our playlist.…