tailzz Arc User


  • Well, I kind of have to agree to a certain extent. It's alot of money, whether it be realy ZEN or just in-game coins, and there's a chance of smply getting a common amber shard over awesome mounts. And chances of getting a mount are extremely slim. I mean, perhaps you could pay a little extra and get the better items?…
  • Hahah yeah, I agree it would make things alot easier on us, but then a vast majority of quests would be useless.
  • Actually, I find the Random Distribution system a major pain. For example, I was with 2 other people in a party, and most of the time when I got items such as healing potions, weapons and armour, it'd go to those guys. And when they got weapons, armour and potions, they'd be able keep it and I got nothing. Perhaps I'm just…