Actually, what had already hurt Sanctuary's economy was the new servers. Since many moved servers, items that used to sell quickly now take three times as long to sell. The prices on items like Gold HP & MP charms was creeping up to 430K on average. In essence, it is going to take a bit, but within a few weeks things…
The gender battle these days is simply ignorance. Does anyone remember when these games first started? To tell someone you were a female IRL brought absolute doubt. No one believed a woman would play an online game. Over the past years though, the female population has grown considerably. You can no longer assume the…
No, I'm not a GM. I just had a question... paying customers? So the people who buy items in cash shop are the only ones worthy of this information? This is a F2P game unless you opt to buy something in addition with real world currency. Just pointing out that in general, we're not paying customers. b:bye
So, you're saying you should be banned then, because of your stupidity? You continue to call people stupid, yet your posts in general have no valid reasoning other than to put others down (for being stupid) when in reality, you simply feel they are greedy (see other forum topic, you know which one). It really comes down to…
1. Fix your stupid signature, if you're that proud of your character, display is properly or not at all. 2. If you feel something is overpriced, don't buy it. Go as far as to tell your friends that you feel that certain person overprices out of greed so they get fewer customers. However, it is up to you as an individual to…