You guys have to remember that in China, where the game originates, there are no PvE servers. The game is designed from the ground up to be PvP.
You'll need to send an email to support to recover the account and get your address updated. support email is in my signature.
The game has had no official presence in the way of a CM since Kalyst left. There was that stand-in, but they haven't been seen in nearly a year. This really shouldn't surprise anyone. If PWE cared about you, they would pay employees better, and make a point in having active CM's. You don't have a CM because PWE won't hire…
I would assume no. The hold up would be that this title hasn't had a CM since Kalyst left, and even the token employee that posted after hasn't been active since November last year. I wouldn't be holding my breath for anything PWI related.
You're going to spend a lot of time grinding daily quests to get back in the swing of things as well.
Even with maximum spec'ed hardware for that machine, you do not meet the minimum requirements to start the client. You don't have a laptop, you have a glorified tablet that barely has the specs required to run the OS that it comes with. It's good for browsing the internet, basic word processing, mobile games like Township,…
This is funny since they are literally the only ones who can help.
12081, the number of items I can't get rid of in my inventory. Seriously. I logged in and can't even play because I can't empty it, and I'm at max.
To be fair, I think they're translating Chinese to English in bulk via Google Translate. Errors are pretty common.
Yes, it does auto-ban, and the auto-ban is permanent. Good luck getting that reversed with the lack of support for the game too. Also note, that only account that existed before they made the changes would be able to play. If you created your account after that time, then you are completely SOL.
So the issue is when you have the "AMD API" GPU and not an actual dedicated GPU?
Yeah, once you his hop 8, your data goes to ****. Looks like basically once your signal leaves Australia it is going to have an issue. I mean, think about the distance you have connecting to a server on the East Coast US. You're guaranteed to have issues. Especially if your data has to travel through the Philippines. Once…
I seem to recall an issue on smaller screen resolutions where the arrow to scroll down wasn't in the visible window space.
Sorry, but closing a triplicate thread that wasn't necessary isn't abuse. That's actually doing my job as a forum moderator to keep the forum clean and uncluttered.
There are already threads on this, and it's noted in the stickied Patch Bugs thread. Working on new subforums.
There's no one around but me and Heero to run one...
There is already a thread for this, and it's listed in the bug thread. We don't need yet another. Try reading before you post.
It's not like it's our fault you violated the forum rules. Own your issues, and you'll get farther in life.
No. It's been several years since they offered manual patch downloads. Size of patch, and your distance to the servers, will both lengthen the amount of time it takes to download.
Simple for some. We are talking about a company who believes a small team of 15-20 interns is enough to support 20+ games with millions of subscribers each, and where one Community Manager can manage 4-5 communities at once.
This is why I don't buy AMD/ATI anymore. (Plus Intel just handles a lot more workload at once.)
Yep. Since Kalyst left PWE, we've had no real information. There was that one PWE Employee who started a few of the stickied threads asking questions, but they haven't been active since last November. This shows you exactly how PWE-US feels about their flagship title. It also shows you exactly why you shouldn't be giving…
Yeah, it used to be all one big happy forum. Unfortunately, they skimped on the plan, and the traffic was too much for Vanilla to handle. So they ended up having to split them all off into their own sub-domains. Accounts are somewhat cross-linked between them, but for the most part they are fully separate forums now.
That was on my to-do list like 2 years ago, and I never got around to it.
Upon checking your profile, I see that you never have been silenced since the forums were moved to Vanilla. You might want to double-check your notes.
Nope. And asking PWE won't get you anything either. They are extremely tight lipped about this.
Yeah, back when frankieraye was around, I had direct communication with the devs in China, and would share information and changes to assist in the localization. We were able to work some things out pretty quickly that way. It helped that I had access to the test servers, and my own locally hosted server to test on.
You might want to.
Localization from Chinese to English isn't easy. Especially when you have to re-write parts of the code to update it to our specific version that is considerably different from the original game. Plus it's not like anyone is looking out for PWI over at PWE right now anyway.
Have you been reading about the upcoming updates?