Oh cool thanks! I guess I learned something new. :dizzy:
Well if Tideswell it active it isn't for me. I get severs down still but I did the patch. If it's Arc maint why is there no message like normal? Someone that knows what's going on, like a GM should really make a post and tell use something. OR if you are doing an Arc maint put up the message on Arc! Sheeshe!
Yeah there is not any KSing the mobs so all you have to do is hit the mobs and "share" in the vita with whoever is AoEing. Bright side to this is you don't have to worry about getting agro! As I see it it seems fair that people that hit harder and do more damage get more vita. If you are in a squad and do it it works much…
Oh see not I thought that the normal server maint would of been done at the same time, guess I was wrong too. Thanks for the info. By the way you are sure about what you are saying or just taking a guess? Just wondering as you are not a mod and all. And here is another thought, didn't just Tideswell only have a maint not…
Yeah, disconnected. Thanks for letting us know why.
Sweetiebot I think you are broken, it shows all of the East Coast server offline on my computer. You should have someone take a look at your program.
Wasn't on all the server yesterday at first either, js
Yeah I would like to know why we could get on the game for such a long time and I too have timed items that ticked down while we couldn't get on the game.
Any GM update on what's going on and when it will be fixed?
Soooo lucky! Servers are still down for me. b:cry
By the way GMs if this helps, I can't get on Swordsman either, let me know if you need a tracer for that as well. =D
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms dlinkrouter [] 2 12 ms 30 ms 26 ms…
It's cold and raining, nty! I just want to play the game!
The people that get damaged by the server going down should get compensated, I happen to agree with that! If you can't finish your bh EU they should complete the bh for you. Or better yet fix the bh so that you can do it more then once a day! As for the rest, if they feel they are losing resources do to this server down…
You got to go to work, so? Some people don't have to work and this was what they planned to do with their time today but thank to the server going down they can't do what they planned to do. Everyone has a reason to be upset no ones reason is less important to them then yours is to you. So saying it's about free stuff when…
Okay PWI this is getting really stupid. Fix the d'cing already. And while you are at it fix the lag too!
Okay this is annoying, I keep d'cing....PWI fix your chit!
We must be the "lepers", no PWI for us! We must not have bought enough zen. O.O I'm at zero zen bought so that might be why I can't log on! lol Just joking. Who knows why we can't log, maybe a hub that we use is down.
You think they are going to compensate us? lmao
I estimate it will be tomorrow before East coast can play.... *rubs magic crystal ball*