grumpy cat pwi b:shutup
last nw here, 3rd nation, 11k credits, 169 tokens second to last nw, 1st nation, 10k credits 151 tokens dafq b:surrender
if the psy is this dude ^ , stealth, call a seeker and let him sacrificial slash qpq on him, then surge stun arrow quickshot :D
full r9 +10 full josd, g15+10 neck, nirvana hat cape +10 full josd, pan gu tome lunar ring +10 other full r9 +12 archers hits like pussies on me i dont even notice they are really r9+12 :D
There was a certain Barb that would call out for Nirvy/TT squads in World Chat on Archo. 'Looking for 4-5 aps/r9 people for nirvana pm me' (when he was only 2 aps and he never would try to tank just use his aps) He would always deny anyone who didn't have 4-5 aps or r9 lol.