stormhammy Arc User


  • okie enough flaming... me will go back on topic. me play PVP server simply since i prefer pvp. have played PVE as well but like the pvp challange. Pros: 1.High damage. cant touch this! do do do dun do do dun dun~ *touch* O GAWD NOOES~ *stormhammy has fallen.* 2. cool looking spells. 3. can kite pretty well. O.o' (archers…
  • aye me agree~ Resistance is futile~ lolcats FTW~
  • X_x' yea i just started today and find that kind of strange too. b:shocked
  • be careful~ sounds like they could come back for revenge once they hit 90+ O.o'
  • zmog thanks for this guide me am sure to go to hell now (^.^). me just started playing and decided to make an archer for no reason. O.o' typically i go priest/cleric/warlock/mage etc etc but for some reason decided to make an archer in PWI. now onwards to learn how the heck im going to build an archer!