stickygreene Arc User


  • you sound butthurt...
  • idk..... zoe sucks pretty bad
  • lol i wish i was so uber that i could kill another barb or bm in less than a second. but then again i guess compared to you im so horrible in pvp huh? id love to see you kill me before i hit you, infact ill go afk for 2 minutes while u try to kill me. if you dont rely on getting hit in pvp you are either a 1) warsoul…
  • zoe.... please..... slap yourself since i cant. go /wrists, go jump off a 300 story building and impale yourself onto some kinda spikes.... like mortal combat status. you blow so hard. i lol'ed at your post so many times. you think venos shoulndt use pets? how about this. pm StickyGreen tonight. you use no pet and 1v1…
  • ivy league? no offense... that doesnt mean anything... ivy league is party central....
  • whats wrong with pking people lower level than you? they choose to go white name.......
  • heya can i get your IGN? thanks
  • jesus.. .12k damage on a barb? holy cow please enlighten me... i was pking last night and got for 8.4k by a demon cleric with spark (not tempest) but 12k? holy moly... most ive ever done is a 9k crit with armaggeddon (no serk) edit : nvm it was photoshopped....
  • most people hate roc because people they know hate roc. i dont hate roc, actually i like alotta people in roc. but its because roc has done some pretty **** things in the past. i have no real problem with it, but this server is filled with carebears... and desi, if your reading this..... please upload that 8,4k crit you…
  • so how exactly did the guild even take the territory? if its a 10k refund..... all TE would have to do was set up bind towers and theyd be good right? =/
  • response from sticky since he is banned "i died 1v1, the reason? i used perdition on accident after my charm ticked. i still lost and wont make excuses for it, but hong, wanna rematch? you had 1/5 of ur hp when i used perdition instead of slam. i remember attacking you again and you running to the safe zone....." sticky's…