the reincarnation system seems like a total bullshyt to me and another slap in the face to all people that didnt use FC glitch to level i spent hundreds of million of coins for charms and apos for soloing PV on my archer and now majority of people that leveled to 105 with glitch will contribute more for reincarnating and…
that is false... same happened to me today...i can swear i was in like 10 wining fights especially cuz some were 3v0 and stuff my nation was winning one and i ended with 8k+ credit and 0 tokens
same for me tonight....i was playing all time...fighting killing people and with 8k+ score got 0 tokens...b:sad
i never ment to come here to show off....they started calling me troll when im not and i tryed to prove it....iv been playing this game for long i said i farmed and made hell a lot...but last 2 days from when x2 started...didnt see theres much of x2.....and i wouldnt do this if i didnt have friends encourage…
im not here to teach you how to farm or merchant ;) you can go do bh and be happy with mirages or some socket stones
terrible troll is a rich troll one more time im asking if you are not farmer....(if you think you do your bh daily -MEANS YOU ARE NOT) pls do not post in this thread. every experianced farmer thats been here in this game can say drops rate are lowered cash players or non…
dont post in rageing farmers thread if you are not one ijs b:cute
yea yea cool story....tell that to 12b i farmed in this game in last 3 and half years.....i see when its nerf and when said you do 1 or couple or runs a you are not even farmer
no wonder you have rank8 and im third recast full armor without wepon and 0$ spent thing you got 2 illu stones and you share with 6 people makes you any good?
Birthday: May 10, 1994 no wonder you still believe in fairy tales Jen is like one of those players that was 101 before goonz got popular and then they all started hardcore playing -do their dailies(base quest,morai),make 20fcs a day,solo PV,buy fc armors and decompose for exp....etc etc and get to 105 in 1month its such a…